Monday, June 30, 2014

Last One for Today - Chapel in Progress :)

Pic - Wilton House Pday

Nice People

It has been a crazy week.  Sister Nelson and I have been working to find more people to teach and rebuild our teaching pool.  It has been a bit of a challenge, but people have been especially nice and polite this week.  Sunday evening was really great because we went up to Old Sarum, where the chapel is being built.  It should be finished by February and we're so excited...

We knocked around that area and to our surprise most people recognized that we were from "the new church being built."  We had only knocked two doors when a young father opened the door and not only listened to what we had to say but took the Book of Mormon and gave us his number.  He told us he'd be gone for the next 3 weeks but he will be a great one to stop back by again.  We also stopped by a potential investigator family who is Fijian.  I think I'm convinced that Fijians are some of the nicest people on the planet. She invited us in and we got to teach her about the Book of Mormon as well.  She also said she was leaving to go to Canada with the army but committed to read the Book of Mormon.  Her husband (who had left a couple weeks ago) had taken the Book of Mormon that we'd left him a few weeks ago.  We were so happy to hear about that! We'll stop by them again soon. 

I know that as we continue to do our best, the Lord will help us find new people to teach. We know that Heavenly Father will answer our prayers as we are faithful and patient with His timing.  I'm grateful to be serving here amongst so many "nice people." 

Scripture of the week: "Lift up your heart and rejoice, for the hour of your mission is come; and your tongue shall be loosed, and you shall declare glad tidings of great joy unto this generation...Yea, I will open the hearts of the people, and they will receive you...Be patient in afflictions...Be faithful unto the end, and lo, I am with you. These words are not of man nor of men, but of me, even Jesus Christ, your Redeemer, by the will of the Father. Amen." -D&C 31

P-day at Wilton House today - Earl and Countess of Pembroke live here. The grounds are amazing! 

Monday, June 23, 2014

After Party: Nando's!!!

​From left to right: Dan Taylor, Sister Nelson, myself, Carly, Shelby Flenady, Jamie Spencer, Sarah Spencer, Elder Onedo, & Elder Robinson

The Special Day!

Fullness of Joy

The title says it all.  I have never been so happy in my mission as I've been this past week.  I love being a missionary.  Carly was baptized on Saturday and it was an amazing experience!! The Spirit was so strong throughout the whole program and I'm so grateful to have been a part of her journey.  

Of course, a baptism isn't a baptism without a few bumps in the road... This week was tough for Carly because the adversary was definitely pushing against her, but she made it!!  The Salisbury branch is so supportive and we're so grateful for the help and the love they've shown to us and Carly. She was baptized in the Christchurch chapel, just a 30 minute drive down the road.  The best part of the baptism was seeing the difference in her countenance as she climbed out of the font.  She was so so happy for the decision she made and she was clean!!  What a beautiful day it was and I feel so blessed to know her and call her my sister.  

Yesterday as I sat in sacrament meeting, just after Carly was confirmed and we started the sacrament, I was overwhelmed by the Spirit.  It was a testimony to me of the love Heavenly Father has for each one of us as His children and the blessings He pours out upon us as we do our best to please Him. There is a quote I love from the Mormon message "Lifting Burdens." One of the apostles says, "Although we might settle for less, Heavenly Father won't for He sees us as heavenly beings we are capable of becoming."  I love that quote and I know that it's true.  I've especially felt that as I've been able to bring that love and joy to the people I serve.  I know that the gospel in its fullness is truly our way to everlasting life and receiving a fullness of joy. We are so much more with the Lord on our side, than we could ever be alone.

Scripture of the week: "Yea, they were encircled about with everlasting darkness and destruction; but behold, he has brought them into his everlasting light, yea, into everlasting salvation; and they are encircled about with the matchless bounty of his love; yea, and we have been instruments in his hands of doing this great and marvelous work.16 Therefore, let us glory, yea, we will glory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever. Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord? Yea, who can say too much of his great power, and of his mercy, and of his long-suffering towards the children of men? Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel." -Alma 26:15-16 but I wish I could copy and paste the whole chapter on here! :) 

Left to right: Elder Robinson, myself, CARLY, Sister Nelson, and Elder Onedo

Monday, June 16, 2014

Last One for Today - Charity Never Faileth :)

Another One

Road Trip Down to Poole Baptism

Helping Hands w/ Sister McGowen

Our Helping Hands Service Project was this week! It was great! We helped clean up a day nursery that needed our help: pulling weeds, pruning, painting the fence, etc. :)

Old Sarum Bus Trip

I told President today in my letter that I don't think I've ever been as happy as I've been at this point in my mission.  I'm lovin' it. Salisbury is the greatest area and the work is moving along so well! Sister Nelson and I get along great, and I love the members here. I don't think it could get any better. 

Carly is doing really well and we're excited for her to be baptized this Saturday!! We're really looking forward to it. It was fun this past weekend to take a trip down to Poole with her and Shelby (member) to attend a baptism service for their ward.  There was a special spirit there and it was a great experience. 

Our miracle of the week was definitely on Thursday when we went up to Old Sarum to contact some people up there.  On the bus ride up, most the seats were full so I just randomly sat down next to this guy named Jamie. I started talking with him and found out that he was actually the grandson of one of the members in our branch! I was blown away!  He told me he knew of the Church but not much about it, but he already had a Book of Mormon. We ended up getting off at the same stop and setting up another time to meet. The next day he showed up and we were able to teach him a little bit more.  He gave us his number and we told him we'd text to let him know about an activity we were having the next evening.  We texted him but got no response. :( Sunday, on our way back from church, we ran into him again! Can you believe it?! He told us he had accidentally told us the wrong number and was able to correct it.  We met with him again and have another appointment set up for this coming week! We're were so happy to meet with him and I know the Lord puts people in our path who are prepared to listen to the message we have. So onward and upward with the work this week. It's a great time to be a missionary. :)

Scripture of the week: "But all things must come to pass in their time. Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind..." -D&C 64:32-34

​The new chapel - making good progress. :) 

Monday, June 9, 2014

Lunch Break

Carly's Contract to Quit! :) Whoo!

Cats & Dogs

What a week it's been! We had a little bit of a slow start, but the weekend has been fantastic! Friday was MLC, which was a great meeting from President Millar and other mission leaders for the transfer. I was so grateful to go and feel once again spiritually fed and uplifted. I re-committed myself to seek the Spirit more this coming transfer.  It's easy to get into the routine: same thing day in and day out.  But missionary work is so much greater and so much more exciting than that! I'm sure Heavenly Father wants us to see each day as a blessing full of opportunities and miracles - we just have to be willing to seek the Spirit, and doing so will make it easier to recognize His hand in His work.

Carly is amazing! Honestly.  She committed to quit smoking on Saturday and we're really excited because she's decided to move her baptism date up to the 21st of June! She will forever be my sister and friend. :) This week was fun because we were invited to a pamper night at Sister Taylor's home.  We went with Carly and had a good time there.  

The weather has been hot the past few days! It's finally starting to feel like summer!  Saturday ended up being great for contacting because of the sunshine.  We met some good people and were able to make some great plans for the coming transfer.  Sunday we went to visit Peter & Esther. They are great.  I love them because of their simple and loyal faith to the Lord.  They want to do the right thing and we always feel the Spirit when we go into their home to teach. Later that afternoon, the elders called and told us about how Carly went on a teach with them after church. They said it felt like having a member present in their lesson.  We were so happy to hear she was able to spend some time with the elders and already loves helping with the missionary work. :) Just after that, Sister Nelson and I were knocking down a road. Two funny things happened that made it a little more enjoyable and made us laugh. The first was that after we briefly talked to a lady and shared a website on her doorstep, we turned to go and Sister Nelson didn't see their pet cat behind her! I did, but I couldn't get the words out quick enough.  She stepped on the cat's tail and all the sudden she heard what had happened. "MEEEOOOWW!!!" I'm sure the cat wasn't too happy after that, but we got a kick out of it.  We couldn't help but walk away laughing after the owner closed the door. Only a few doors later, as we were waiting for a response, all the sudden we hear this big dog bark and come running around the corner to get us!! We were terrified!! It was a big German Shepherd and came right up to us and backed us up into the corner against the house.  No owner in sight!! We tried to be strong and stand up for ourselves but we were scared.  Thankfully, the owner came out a few seconds later and saved us.  The owner told us she wouldn't hurt a fly, but it sure did shake us up. I'm grateful for the funny little things that keep us on our toes and help us enjoy the journey.  I know we've got a great transfer ahead of us with the help of the Lord.

Scripture of the week: "Yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord. And it came to pass that so great was their faith and their patience that the voice of the Lord came unto them again, saying: Be of good comfort...Thou shalt go before this people, and I will go with thee." -Mosiah 24:15-17
This one's for you Gramps! One strawberry plant is the extent of our mission gardening. :) 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Stonehenge Group!

From left to right: Elder Onedo (DL), Elder Robinson, Elder Budge, Elder Fingerle (ZL), Sister Nelson, and Shelby Flenady (my most favorite Aussie member ;)


Oh how I love my companion. :)

Mighty Miracles

Well this week has been amazing! So much has happened, and we've experienced some special miracles! First, I wanted to mention that Carly is planning to be baptized on the 5th of July! We're so excited for her! She is truly amazing and full of faith and love for the gospel. We love her and feel so privileged and blessed to teach her.

Second, we met this wonderful old man about a week ago named Bryan.  We were walking through the Brown Street Parking Lot as we always do on our way to town and a sad-looking man sat in front of us on his walker. We started talking with him and found out that he had suffered 2 strokes and that he was alone here in Salisbury since his wife had left him and gone to London.  He told us how awful he felt about life and the circumstances he was in.  As we talked with him, we testified of the power of the Atonement and how the gospel of Jesus Christ can help us through any trial or challenge we come across.  We explained how he could feel of this power and receive happiness and hope by reading the Book of Mormon.  He took a copy and agreed to meet us again.  Before we left, we said a prayer that his wife would contact him soon and that his health would improve.  In two days time, we met him where we promised and he looked like a completely different person!  He seemed to be feeling much better and he told us how his wife had actually contacted him!! He's now planning to move to London with her.  He promised to call us and let us know when he was moving and how we could help.  Although we haven't seen him since, this was a witness to me that Heavenly Father is mindful of every one of His children.  Although our encounter with him was short and sweet, the Spirit was there and we know that God answered our simple prayer in the parking lot to help Bryan.  I'm sure one day he'll fully accept the restored gospel and I'll be glad to have helped him along his way. 

Third, we met with Peter & Esther...again. About 2 months ago, when Sister Smart was in the area we street contacted Peter and gave him a Book of Mormon and set up a return appointment.  Unfortunately, he called to cancel and told us we'd have to reschedule for another time.  We tried but had no success in contacting him.  So then about 2 weeks ago, whilst Sister Nelson and I were on our way to church, a sweet lady from the Philippines smiled and said hello to us.  We stopped to talk and she told us we could come to her home sometime.  As she proceeded to give us her address, I realized it was the exact same one that Peter had given me 2 months ago.  I said, "Wait, do you know Peter?!" And she said, "Peter's my husband." I was shocked!! She then recalled that Peter had told her about us and the book we gave him (The Book or Mormon.) I couldn't believe it.   We tried to set a return appointment, but it didn't end up working out and I was so disappointed.  Randomly on Saturday we were in the area near their home and decided to knock on their door.  To our surprise, both of them were home and invited us in!  We taught them a little bit more about the Book of Mormon and they expressed how they wanted to come to church with us this week if we could just find them a lift. Check, no problem! We were so happy to have met them again and I'm grateful for the patience and help Heavenly Father gives us to bring the gospel to those who are prepared!  We'll be seeing them again on Saturday! 

Scripture of the week: "Thus God has provided a means that man, through faith, might work mighty miracles; therefore he becometh a great benefit to his fellow beings" -Mosiah 8:18

Good times at Stonehenge. :)

Monday, June 2, 2014


This week is transfers and we found out on Saturday that Sister Nelson and I will both be staying here in Salisbury for another transfer.  Not much of a surprise, but it's always nice to know for sure. I love Salisbury and Sister Nelson so I'm happy to stay here as long as He'll have me. :)  Gotta love transfer calls... 

Today we don't have much time to email, but I'll send a proper post on Wednesday.  Talk to you soon!