Monday, January 27, 2014

Slow and Steady

Saturday ended our last week resting Sister Brooks' foot. :) She is now allowed to put weight on it with her boot on and so we'll be able to get out a lot more this week than we have been.  Little by little, we're working back up to more finding and teaching in our area.
Due to our unique situation, I've found a new love for bus contacting.  Our zone leaders said, "Rather than sit in the flat, sit on the bus and go talk to people." Brilliant! I love getting to know people on the bus! It seems that just starting up a normal conversation always leads to an aspect of the gospel anyway, so it's easy and natural to teach them more about it. I think we'll be doing quite a bit more of this contacting in the coming weeks!
We have recently been meeting with a new investigator named Apurva. He is a great person and we love to teach him because he is eager to learn and has a lot of questions. The amazing thing is that he has already read a Book of Mormon that was given to him 6 years ago by another set of missionaries! How cool is that? We're excited to continue teaching him more throughout the next few weeks.
I've learned a lot about humility the past week. I've come to realize that the more I focus on those around me and aligning my will to the Lord's, the happier I am inside.  Everything else comes 2nd.  The mission is not about ticking boxes or becoming a robot.  It's about changing our deepest desires and hopes to match what Heavenly Father's plan has in store for each of us. What a peace that simple realization has brought me. I've learned that as I try to change my ways to become more like the Savior, He helps me reach the potential I can't reach alone.  
Scripture of the week:  "Nevertheless, ye shall not cast him out of your asynagogues, or your places of worship, for unto such shall ye continue to minister; for ye know not but what they will return and repent, and come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I shall bheal them; and ye shall be the means of bringing salvation unto them." -3 Nephi 18:32
Basingstoke District! From left to right: Elder Hanks, Elder Hegerhorst (Zone Leaders - just visiting for the week), me, Sister Brooks, Elder Simpson, and Elder Goodson (Basingstoke District Leader)

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