Wednesday was transfers and those are always crazy days. Pack it up, stuff it in the car, roll it into the chapel, eat lunch, and get on the road. The cool thing and blessing was that I got to see Stonehenge on the way to Yeovil! So cool! It's right next to the Motorway. The trip down took about 2 1/2 hours and when we got there I unpacked all my stuff. We went to work the next morning, but later Thursday we got a call from President Millar saying that he would need us in Salisbury instead. What?! Didn't see that one comin'. :) But, wow!! How exciting! We are switching spots with the elders there because the Salisbury branch has a lot of sisters who are returned missionaries and want to go out to teach with us! They also just had a ground breaking for a new chapel so there is a lot of excitement there for missionary work! It's going to be great! Today we're cleaning the flat and packing up, tomorrow we're off to Salisbury. Now you know why I feel like a pinball - but it's great! :) No matter where the Lord sends us, I know it's meant to be.
Sister Smart is my new companion and she is awesome! We have so many similarities! Both of us are 5'2", brown hair, green eyes, and we both love organizing and planning. It's going to be a great transfer. We are already off to a great start and have seen miracles already!
Yesterday morning before church, we were doing our personal study. To start, we always say an individual prayer and I felt prompted to ask Heavenly Father to help me find a scripture during my study that would help someone we would meet that day. I found the one we needed in Mormon 9:20-21. I marked it in the Book of Mormon and wrote my testimony at the front. For some reason, I felt like we'd be giving it to a young father with dark hair. After church, we went contacting and walked through the park. We started talking to a young father with dark hair and his girlfriend as their daughter ran around. In my mind it clicked, "This is the guy!" I pulled out the Book of Mormon and read the verse first to him and again to his girlfriend. They loved it and it answered the exact question they had. Ben & Fenn (his girlfriend) both agreed to a return appointment with the elders this coming week. Now if that is not the power of the Holy Ghost, I don't know what is!! It was a complete miracle and totally all thanks to the Spirit! I love being a missionary and being able to have the Spirit as my companion. We can't do the work without it and this was a testimony of that to me yesterday. I'm so grateful the Lord allows me to be a part of His work and leads us to the people that are prepared.
Scripture of the week: "20 And the reason why he ceaseth to do amiracles among the children of men is because that they dwindle in unbelief, and depart from the right way, and know not the God in whom they should btrust.
21 Behold, I say unto you that whoso believeth in Christ, doubting nothing, awhatsoever he shall ask the Father in the name of Christ it shall be granted him; and this bpromise is unto all, even unto the ends of the earth." -Mormon 9:20-21
Poor thing having to do all the moving. Sounds like your new area will be amazing. Loved your experience with the Father with dark hair. It is a miracle . You are doing such a fantastic job!